John Hopkins hospital in trouble

AFP Photo / Philippe HuguenAn outrageous incident occurred at the John Hopkins Hospitals where a certain doctor-Nikita Levy;was accused of inappropriately taking photos and videos of the genitals of his female patients in a law suit that was filed by approximately 8000 women and girls.

Some victims went further to claim that the said doctor touched them inappropriately and abused them verbally,others said they were routinely called into the office for unnecessary checkups.According to the Associated Press, about 1,200 videos and 140 images were found on Levy’s computer during an investigation into the incident.Now John Hopkins Hospital will have to pay out $190 million to thousands of women who claimed the facility’s gynecologist secretly recorded films and took photos of them in compromising positions.
 My question is how can one determine if your male gynecologist is touching you inappropriately,i maybe conservative in my thinking,but getting naked in front of another man,all because he is wearing a title as your doctor,and having him examine your genitals..........that is a discussion for another day.


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