Making Fast, Healthy, and Delicious Meals

Guide to Healthy Recipes
For many of us with hectic lives, it’s often quicker and easier to heat a frozen dinner or grab a takeout than cook a meal from scratch. But there is a healthy alternative. Preparing food the old fashioned way—at home in your own kitchen—doesn’t have to be time consuming or complicated. With some simple guidelines, you can create quick, delicious meals the whole family will enjoy

Healthy Recipes: Making fast, healthy, and delicious meals

Taking a few minutes to prepare quick and healthy meals gives you more control over what you and your family are eating. Seeking out a variety of healthy recipes and preparing nutritious meals can help prevent many common medical conditions, and engages your senses in a sumptuous world of flavors, textures, aromas, sights, and sounds. It can also be a wonderful way to bring your family together, while helping you save money.

Healthy breakfast recipes

Healthy Breakfast Recipes Many people feel too busy to take 15 minutes for breakfast every day. But this vital first meal of the day gets your metabolism going and gives you energy. People who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight. Breakfast can be quick, easy, and nutritious. Try starting your day with one of these tasty recipes:

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Apples are naturally sweet, helping to curb your cravings for sweets in a natural way. They have fiber and vitamin C.
Cinnamon has many beneficial properties, including a mild anti-inflammatory effect, anti-microbial properties (helps stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi), and better blood sugar control. It’s also an excellent source of manganese and the smell can boost brain activity.


  • 1/3 cup rolled oats (or steel cut oats*)
  • 2/3 cup liquid (1 cup liquid for steel cut oats*)
  • 1/2 an apple cut into small pieces
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • Dash of salt


  1. Add all ingredients to a small pot.
  2. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and cook until soft, about 5 to 7 minutes (about 20 minutes for steel cut oats*).
* Steel Cut Oats are a much heartier cereal. They have more fiber and nutrients. They have a wonderful, chewy texture and you will stay full longer when you eat steel cut oats.

Healthy lunch recipes

Healthy Lunch Recipes If you have a busy schedule, lunch can often be a rushed meal—a takeout eaten at your desk or a quick bite in a diner or restaurant. But with a little planning, it’s easy to prepare a nutritious and tasty lunch yourself. Things like sandwiches or leftovers from a previous dinner can make quick, easy, and healthy lunchtime meals.

Veggie Deluxe Sandwich

Avocados are high in the good monounsaturated fat, which has been shown to actually help lower cholesterol levels.


  • 2 slices whole wheat bread
  • 2 Tbsp. hummus
  • 1/4 avocado, sliced
  • 2 oz. low-fat cheese
  • 1 large leaf of lettuce, torn into large pieces
  • 1 small tomato, sliced
  • Other veggies of your choice (shredded carrots, sliced cucumbers, onion slices, etc.)
  • Dash of vinegar & olive oil (optional)


  1. Spread the hummus on one side of each slice of bread.
  2. Add all other ingredients in layers.
  3. Add the vinegar & oil over the veggies.

Healthy dinner recipes

Healthy Dinner RecipesFor many of us dinner is typically the major meal of the day. It can feel overwhelming to come home from work and still need to prepare a meal for yourself and your family. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to make cooking dinner at home quick, easy, tasty, and fun.
First, you can think of the time as an activity that brings the family together. Get the kids involved in helping prepare the meal. They can do things like washing and tearing up vegetables and measuring out ingredients.
Chop vegetables ahead of time over the weekend or on a night when you have more time and energy. Store them in containers in the fridge and use them as needed.
Use a crockpot so that meals are ready when you get home. You can eat right away and use the time after dinner to do other things or plan for tomorrow’s meals.

Sweet Potato Burritos or Tacos

Sweet potatoes are filled with carotenoids, vitamins A, B6, C, potassium, manganese, and fiber.


  • 1 large sweet potato, grated or diced into small cubes
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. curry
  • 2 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. chili powder (optional)
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 2 cups black beans, heated
  • Grated low-fat cheese
  • Salsa
  • 1 avocado sliced
  • Tortilla shells – for either burritos (large) or tacos (small)


  1. Add olive oil to a large skillet and add the onions, sauté until translucent.
  2. Add garlic, curry and cumin. Sauté until fragrant.
  3. Add sweet potatoes and chili powder. Mix thoroughly. Sauté for a minute or two, stirring
  4. Add 1 – 2 Tbsp. of water, cover and cook until sweet potatoes are tender (about 5 to 7 minutes).
  5. Heat beans, grate cheese, slice avocado.
  6. Warm tortillas for 5 minutes in the oven or toaster oven.
  7. Add sweet potato mixture and beans on to the tortilla shells.
  8. Sprinkle with cheese. Add salsa and avocado. Enjoy!

Dessert recipes: Scrumptious, healthy and affordable

Healthier Dessert RecipesCutting out junk food does not mean that you have to cut out all desserts. You can “have your cake and eat it too” by learning how to include scrumptious, healthy and affordable desserts in your menu. Try picking one of these recipes or other ideas for a special sweet treat. Find ways to shift your thinking about what a healthy dessert can be.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oats are filled with fiber and good source of vitamin A, riboflavin, folate, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium, as well as thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, iron, and manganese. These cookies are very moist and chewy.


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup apple sauce
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar packed
  • 2 large egg
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1½ cups whole wheat flour (any flour will work)
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chips (or raisins)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350.
  2. Blend together sugar and butter until creamy.
  3. Add eggs and vanilla and mix well.
  4. Stir in apple sauce.
  5. Mix together dry ingredients (except oats) and stir in to wet ingredients.
  6. Stir in oats and chocolate chips.
  7. Place tablespoonfuls onto a non-stick baking sheet.
  8. Bake for about 12 minutes or until the cookies are golden brown.
  9. Cool briefly (1 minute or so) and then transfer to a wire cooling rack.
This recipe makes about 4 dozen cookies.

Healthy snacks

A healthy diet can include snacks. Some people actually do better when they eat three small meals plus a couple of healthy snacks throughout the day. Healthy snacks can help keep your blood sugar level even, giving you steady energy throughout the day instead of peaks and crashes.
Healthy snack ideas
Fruits & Nuts – This wonderful combination provides fiber and protein for a satisfying snack. Have a piece of fresh fruit and a small handful of nuts. A great twist on this one is fruit with nut butter spread on top.
Yogurt parfait – Plain, low-fat yogurt with fresh fruit mixed in. Using plain yogurt you control how much sweetener you add. Also try adding a dash of vanilla or some cinnamon for different flavors. For a heartier snack add a handful of cereal or granola.
Popcorn – Pop your own light popcorn for a great, tasty snack. You can even be adventurous with spices. Try adding curry, onion powder, or anything else you like after it’s popped.
Hummus & veggies – The chickpeas in hummus offer lots of good fiber and protein. It has no cholesterol and is a very fulfilling, tasty snack.
Ants on a Log – Be a kid again and enjoy celery with nut butter and a few raisins or cranberries on top.

Altering recipes to make your favorite meals healthier

There are many easy ways to alter recipes so that they are healthier while maintaining their wonderful tastes, flavors, and textures.

Some basic tips for making your favorite meals healthier include:

  • Decrease the meat and increase the vegetables called for in stews and casseroles.
  • Choose whole-grain versions of pasta and bread; substitute whole-wheat flour for bleached white flour when you bake.
  • Serve imaginative whole-grain side dishes like bulgur or kasha instead of white rice or pasta. Cook with less fat by using non-stick skillets.
  • Blot all fried meats on paper towels. Or better yet, try baking instead of frying.
  • Avoid cooking with soy or Worcestershire sauce and products that contain monosodium glutamate (MSG).
  • Use garlic or onion powder instead of garlic or onion salt, and use unsalted or low-salt vegetable broths and products.
  • Buy reduced-fat cheese or use mozzarella, which is naturally lower in fat.
  • In recipes calling for milk or cream, substitute reduced fat versions or try using other “milks” such as rice milk, nut milk, or soy milk. Also use low-fat cream cheese, yogurt, and mayo.
  • Unhealthy fats like certain oils, butter, or margarines can usually be cut by 1/3 to 1/2 in recipes. At first try a small reduction and then use less and less over time; you'll hardly notice the difference.
  • You can also use fat substitutes like prune purees and applesauce in baked goods.
  • Use fresh-frozen fruit without added sugar if fresh is unavailable.
  • Cut the sugar called for in most recipes by 1/3 to 1/2.
  • Sweeten waffles and quick breads with cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla or almond extracts in order to cut the sugar content.
  • Try salsa on a baked potato or salad rather than high-fat dressing or butter.

Time saving tips for making healthy recipes

What if I just don't have time to cook? Or prepare my lunch? Or eat breakfast? These are common refrains from people who don't realize how easy and fast it can be to prepare your own meals. Start by adding one more meal at home each week. Cooking is like any new skill: it takes a little practice to become competent. So give yourself some leeway. It’s okay to burn the rice or over-cook the veggies. After a few tries it will get easier and quicker. Start out with simple dishes. Cooking doesn't have to be complicated.

Some time-saving tips for cooking quick, healthy meals

  • Cook simple. Steam or sauté some veggies. Bake a sweet potato. Grill some fish or chicken. Simple cooking is a great way to keep things easy and quick. To make the food more interesting, you can add condiments, spices, and/or dressings to your food when you eat it. Individuals with different preferences can spice up their food in their own unique way. This is great for families.
  • Prepare food ahead of time. This will allow you to have easy access to items that you can add to your meals. Chop veggies ahead and store them in containers in the fridge. Hard-boil some eggs for breakfast. Package meal-sized portions to grab and take with you for lunch.
  • Cook more than you need for one meal. It’s great to have leftovers that can be used for a quick and easy lunch or dinner the next day. Also, when making things like whole grains, cook at least double the amount you need and store it in the fridge to use with other meals.
  • Use a timer. Many things don’t take a lot of preparation time, but need longer to cook. Using a timer allows you to prepare food in a short period of time and then do other things as they cook. For example, it doesn’t take long to wash some root veggies and put them in the oven, or measure, rinse, and throw rice into a pot to cook.
  • Invest in kitchen tools. There are many tools that make cooking easier and save time, such as a rice cooker, crock-pot (slow cooker), immersion blender, and food processor. Some of these devices save you time by cooking while you do other things (rice cooker and crock-pot). Others make it easier and quicker to make things like soups, smoothies, and hummus. If you’re on a budget, you can often find these items at garage sales or second hand stores.


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