Meet Lisa Cash Hanson – The Mompreneur Mogul

Lisa and I are kindred spirits.  Serial entrepreneurs with our fingers in many projects.  When I first met Lisa I knew she was a famous blogger and business owner, singer and rising expert.  What I didn’t know is that she’s also an inventor!  Lisa took her experience as a first time mom and said, “How can we do this better?”  Then she won a grant from Huggies for her product SnuggWugg TM.  Congratulations, Lisa!

Name: Lisa Cash Hanson
Location: Las Vegas
Education: Eastern Michigan University Music And Business Major
Professional Background: I traveled the world performing as a singer for Fortune 500 companies, CEO’s and celebrities such as Chuck Schwab and Larry The Cable Guy, was featured on reality shows.
What you wanted to be when you grew up: A rock star.
What you are: I’m a wife, a first time mom, and a great friend, founder of Mompreneur Mogul a blog filled with inspiration, business, blogging and social media tips. I’m also the Author of Get Famous The Most Amazing Mom Bloggers Resource On The Planet and Creator of Blogs To Riches Club the exclusive business and blogging club where people come to learn how to make money online, and create a life they love.
Meet Lisa Cash Hanson - The Mompreneur Mogul, Business, Entrepreneur, InterviewBrief Summary of your Start Up: I was fortunate enough to be featured on Yahoo!, then wrote my first book and became an Amazon selling author. I had women and men both emailing and coming to me for advice. I knew I couldn’t keep up the pace there are only so many hours in the day and also be present for my family. I wanted a better way to serve both. Thus the Creation of Blogs To Riches Club. It’s a community filled with tips for blogging, business, and entrepreneur endeavors.  I also created my private coaching and a members only Inner Circle Club which is growing rapidly. This is where I’m able to host video trainings and work more closely with my clients. I love it. That way I am able to give attention to the people who need it most while not neglecting my family at the same time
What inspired you? When people would write and were frustrated or struggling. I knew that I would be able to encourage and lift them up. I had a pretty crappy dad (it happens to many of us) he loved to tell me what I couldn’t do. As a result I really don’t like dream crushers. So I’ve made it my quest to give wings to people’s dreams.
How long have you been in business? This site is under a year old but prior to that 20 years.
How did you fund it?  All of my money to start this project came from sales of my products, private coaching, being a consultant and advertising clients.
Do you have a Fairy Godmother (or Mentor)? I do but I’m always open to more. There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors.
Do you belong to any Business Organization or Networking Groups? Yes I launched my own on LinkedIn Called Women Entrepreneurs Who Change The World. I’m also a member of another group of women entrepreneurs on Facebook and I visit our local chamber.
Current Business Challenge? Not being consumed with this business.
What are you doing about it? Being aware I think is the first step towards changing so I’m becoming much more aware.
Favorite motivational quote:
“Try to discover
The road to success
And you’ll seek but never find,
But blaze your own path
And the road to success
Will trail right behind.”
—Robert Brault 
Tell us about your Family? [I have] an amazing husband named Chad and a 19 month old named Matilda Grace. I am blessed.
How do you balance family and business? I’m not the best at that yet but I’m working on getting better. I love to work. Many nights I’m up until 2am and I know that is not good
Favorite book? The Bible
What do you do to relax? What’s that? OK seriously I love to go out on the water. Or sit in a park and listen to the leaves in the wind that always gives me an amazing feeling of calmness.
What do you want to change most about your world? I want to be able to give more. Both financially and with my time to others.
Meet Lisa Cash Hanson - The Mompreneur Mogul, Business, Entrepreneur, InterviewWhat are you most proud of? My daughter. I’ve visited some of the most glamorous places in the world and seen the best stages this world offers. She is still the greatest thing I’ve ever done in my life.
What advice would you like to offer other Start Up Princesses? It’s great to have a big picture but sometimes that picture can look like a giant mural that’s painted on the Empire State Building- way too big. Take it one step at a time. Never say “I don’t know how. Instead say “I can figure this out”.
Favorite Magic Wand (tool/resource)? The internet. I’m not sure how people survived without it. And my iPhone. Suri is my entertainment when I need a laugh I ask her things like “What is wrong with my husband” just to hear her say “I cannot say Lisa.” Makes me laugh every time.
If you could design a tiara, what precious stones would you use? I would like to find one that’s never been used before, I don’t like copying.
Did I leave something out you would like me to know about yourself or your business?
My goal is to be able to give to any good cause that I desire. The other day I heard of a woman who had two young girls a baby on the way and her husband was hit and killed by a car. They were raising money to help with funeral costs. I didn’t know her but my heart was broken. I sent money immediately. Then I thought- “This is the purpose of owning your own business. To help people when they need it the most. Of course it’s for my family as well but I was so thankful my work allowed me to help a person in need.”
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