Overcome the ‘Sunday Night Blues’

Working moms do it all: Kick butt during the day, manage a household of stress, timetables, and dirty laundry, please the hubby, and bring home a buck to support a fabulous lifestyle. It’s hard, and it’s especially hard on Sunday nights — German and Swedish researchers found that Sundays are statistically the least happy day of the week for most people.

It can be more serious thant just feelin’ down that the weekend is over. “Sunday Night Blues” is a term coined by doctors that results in symptoms including nausea, headache, migraine, fever, irritability, self-pity, and depressive thoughts. Not exactly the best feelings for a fabulous mama. Here are some ideas on how to curb the Sunday Night Blues, if the endings to your weekends have been anything but happy lately:
Surround yourself with people: A family dinner on Sunday nights or a game night with friends is a great distraction for the work week ahead. Being with others is a natural mood booster. Bring on the Scrabble!
Schedule fun mid-week: If your week is nothing but work, and your weekend is nothing but play, you’re setting yourself up for some serious disasters. Schedule a mid-week yoga or painting class, or set aside some time for a date night on Thursday evenings (prices for dinner and drinks are also often cheaper during the week). That way you have something to look forward to sooner!
Meditate: We often get so caught up in schedules and running around that we forget to simply sit and breathe. Take time to do just that on Sunday evenings, and you’ll find yourself a lot calmer. Think 10 simple breaths, close your eyes, and sit in a dark, quiet place. Trust us!
Get organized: Planning ahead and doing things such as simple meal prep (washing and cutting up all fruits and veggies), packing school lunches, catching up on laundry, and organizing the car-pool can help ease the stress of Monday and help transition you into the week ahead. A little goes a long way!
Pamper yourself: Drawing a bath, giving yourself a manicure, getting a haircut, or even just squeezing in an awesome workout are ways to instantly feel better. Plus, once the week gets rolling, your “free” time seemingly slips away.
Consider other options: If feelings of anxiety and depression are severe enough, you may consider your work or school situation. Your career shouldn’t hold you hostage with feelings of remorse each week — nothing is worth that! You can always take a step back, and analyze your work environment to find what’s best for you.


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