The only woman in FIFA

Although FIFA is a highly male dominated industry,Lydia Nsekera is running things alongside men;being the only woman sitting on the 24 member board of FIFA.

Lydia is the first woman in the 110years existence of FIFA to be elected into an executive chair.

The 46-year-old head of the Burundi Football Association outlasted Australia’s Moya Dodd and Sonia Bien-Aime, of Turks and Caicos.
“I will inspire women to believe they can lead and I will support women in member associations,” Nsekera said, according to BBC.
“I am very happy to be the first woman elected. It is important for Africa, it is important for Burundi, it is important for women.”
The FIFA executive board contains 24 members from across the world headed by president Sepp Blatter.
FIFA co-opted Nsekera into the executive committee last year, also a first. She has led the Burundi FA for about nine years and helped organize the soccer tournaments at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. She’s also an IOC member.
FIFA’s executive hasn’t included a woman since first forming in 1904, Reuters said.



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