UK is top for promoting women

dell, business, women, businesses, computer giant, entrepreneur, britain, money, finance, cashAccording to a research by Dell;
A major 30-country global study, commissioned by computer giant Dell, puts the UK in the top rank of nations providing the most favourable conditions for female entrepreneurship to flourish.

Key factors, such as equal legal rights, the overall business situation, access to resources, training and positive attitudes to women as executives were all measured.
But although Britain is among the best performers, there is still no room for complacency the second annual Gender-Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (Gender-GEDI) found.
Despite edging up the rankings over the past year, Britain still lags behind the US, Australia, Sweden, France, Germany and Chile.
We are poor when it comes to female technology start-ups, and could do much better, as indeed could the rest of Europe, spotting enterprising opportunities and developing fast-growth ventures.
                                                                                                          She says that Britain needs more inspirational female examples [PH]
Britain needs more inspirational female examples and women at the top
Ingrid Vanderveldt, Dell’s entrepreneur campaigner
The UK does make a better showing, however, with its initiatives to improve the head-count of women in traditionally male-dominated sectors such as construction, where there is a shortage of skilled labour, yet females make up just 11 per cent of the workforce.
Roles models are the spur for action, according to business owner and investor Ingrid Vanderveldt, until recently Dell's Entrepreneur-in-Residence.
"Britain needs more inspirational female examples and women at the top," says Vanderveldt, who led the company's campaign To Empower a Billion Women by 2020 and the setting up of the worldwide 100 $ million Dell Innovators Credit Fund.
Last year in Britain she launched the Dell UK Centre for Entrepreneurs with a £10 million fund to help new firms invest in the right technology, critical both for growth and ensuring long-term wealth and job creation.
The Gender-GEDI's big picture approach, analysing evidence of innovative, market-expanding and export-orientated women-led firms across 30 developed and emerging economies, provides telling cross-country comparisons as well as pin-pointing information gaps.
The central message this year is that women need more support.
     Female start-up activity is on the rise in emerging markets [PH]

Key findings revealed access to capital remains crucial, many industries remain male-dominated, female start-up activity is on the rise in emerging markets - Ghana for example has more women starting businesses than men, more women are needed at the top of businesses and women's rights have to be addressed first.
The research's prime objective is the future, providing the hard evidence of countries' strengths and weaknesses to guide governments, institutions and corporations, encouraging them to create conditions where women can turn their ideas into viable businesses that grow and prosper.
Currently 75 per cent of countries in the survey are failing to meet the most fundamental requirements.
"At Dell we are committed to empowering people everywhere with technology solutions to fulfil their ambitions and reach their full potential," said Karen Quintos, senior vice president and chief marketing officer.
"The Gender-GEDI index provides key insights designed to help countries advance female entrepreneurship and ultimately bolster the global economy. We believe awareness of the current landscape is the first step toward change."
Through the Dell Women's Entrepreneur Network, the company supports an international community of women business owners, by providing access to knowledge, networks and capital.
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